Ace started thinking hard about what to choose. Then he looked at the clock. It was 10: 49. He decided that he would take whatever pokemon fate decided for him. He then decided to go to bed for now.
As Ace entered the lab , he saw that there were at least ten others in the lab with him . Prof . Oak fell into utter confusion of whom to give the pokemon to………..
There was a hurried discussion between Oak and his assistants. They at last came up to the mike and said “ahem. It has been discussed between us that you all will be made to do a test which will contain how you will use pokemon , how much you know about them , and how you feel about them. Ace had a shiver of excitement as his father and mother had taught him all they knew about Pokémon .The assistants ran to bring chairs for the examinees. They had about an half-hour as Oak prepared the test. Ace bumped into a boy . “Sorry, are you hurt ? “its no problem .””may I know your name? My name is Ace , by the way.”hi , I’m Jack. Do you know a lot about Pokémon? “Yeah , quite a lot . Why? “Cause then, you’re my rival. “Attention! The test is beginning in a minute . May you please sit on your seats. The assistants gave the test papers over. Ace saw all were MCQ questions and whizzed through with ease .
(Continued Later)